Friday, November 12, 2010

Another week

So, another week has passed. I sadly haven't gotten nearly enough done. It's the infantry. It's always the infantry...

I have been enjoying getting some painting in while I play d20 with my friends on Thursdays now. It gives me something to do with my hands while we play. Last night though turned into a movie night (hey, Pandorum is pretty good. Also, "Sex Galaxy" is one of the most ridiculously hilarious movies I have ever had the joy to see. The overdubbing of old movies is amazing!), so very little got done.

And before that, I spent Sunday through Tuesday back home with the family. I got nothing done those three days. Wednesday I got nothing done except play some Warmachine that night. As far as how that goes, let's just say my ARM 47 Venethrax just doesn't die. Oh, and Gerlak pacman'd through 16 models (10 Winterguard, their 2 man UA, 3 Rocketeers and Strakhov's Wardog. Oddly enough, dogs have souls. Who knew?). Between this and his performance the week before, Gerlak has FINALLY done something for me! YAY!

So what have I gotten done? The Lord of the Feast is almost done. The Woldstalkers, Megalith and Wold Guardian need a little work on their ropes followed by a wash to finish them up. I haven't decided if I'm brave enough to throw some glow effects on any of my Wolds, so for now I'm going without. So long as I don't varnish them, I should be able to add it later without disturbing anything like the base.

And that's really it. I still have 22 Wolves/Reeves staring at me accusingly. And 11 Tharn ladies (five of them with puppy mounts!). Yeah...this is not going to end well.

Cassius spoilers have gone up. Seems to be rather interesting. In short:
6 Fury
Interesting spell list, including a spell to move his tree and the best anti-infantry spell in the game
A forest creating feat that makes Tough models grumble (And hey, anytime I make a troll unhappy, it's a good day!)

The problem seems to be the shared health with his stationary tree. Skip Cassius and kill his tree. Hm. Gonna' have to see him on the tabletop before passing final judgment. Good thing I have him on preorder for the end of this month!

Honestly, the most interesting thing about him to me is his feat, because it causes models caught in his forest to take 1 pt of damage if knocked down. Ok, kind of situational all on its own, but I really wanna' play a two caster game with Cassius and Blood Barnabas. Get Wurmwood up into the enemy army via Cassius or Shifting Stones, pop feat, hurl Barnabas up, pop his feat, watch infantry die in DROVES. If they don't have Tough or multiple wounds, they will die immediately. Even Incorporeal models will bite it because this IS a feat causing the damage.

Man, I really, REALLY wanna' do that. If I get to wipe a large number of models from the table in one go, it makes me happy, regardless of whether I win or lose the game after that. Hell, I'd take this to a tournament and play this combo all day until I got it off just so I could go home happy having wiped 50% of someone's army from the table in the span of four activations, two models, and just about no way to save them.


Where was I?

Oh yeah. Nowhere.

So that is really it for now. I need to pick up the pace. November is almost half over and I do NOT have 50 pts done even. Even if I generously give myself the Guardian and Megalith as complete, I'm at 42 then. But that is 42 pts in five models out of...ok, I don't wanna' think about that.

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