So, I fail one painting challenge and I just keep going. At least stuff is getting paint.
I have my first draft of my intended 50 pt Cryx Hardcore list for Adepticon in March. Given that my Cryx get a speed paint method, I have hammered out two Warwitch Sirens (with differently coloured robes!), a Necrosurgeon, her three Stitch Thralls and Gerlak. Ok, Gerlak isn't actually even in the list, but he was kind of my test model for the Bloodgorgers. Not to mention the little blue pacman of doom has actually DONE something for me of late so I felt he deserved some paint. He needs some blood splatter somehow, but I don't know what yet.
But it is a nice start on this list. I have my lists for the 50 pt Hardcore (Cryx), 35 pt team tourney (Menoth), 35 pt Steamroller (Circle x2) all ready. If I somehow actually have time to paint for the Mangled Metal (which is 50 pt Mangled Metal!), I have a list for that too. (Hint, my model count is more than most probably. Go Chickens!) Though if anyone brings just a mess of bloody Shredders (like Ravyn if she ends up in attendance), I'm buying them a drink.
But aside from the Adepticon cutoff, it looks like another Online Gamer's Journal is coming up. I plan to do the Menoth for that since unlike everything else, they are not even started. Given that it isn't a month this time and I have my sights set at only 35 pts, I think I can do it. I'm kind of scrambling to get a good start on other stuff just so that when I start that up, I have less to worry about. Unlike my Circle and Cryx, the Menoth are getting a bit more trying scheme. As in, I am actually trying to properly paint, with highlights and everything! Not to mention, I plan to make a bunch of tiled bases (with a special, more intricate design on the base for the Avatar. Because hey, he should be striding over a menofix).
But yay! Paint! Now I think I should turn my attention towards painting up a Seether before I shamble off to bed.
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