Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Gamer's Journal 15 pt game vs Khador

So, I got both my 15 and 25 pt games in tonight, but I'll save the other for just a little bit.

To recap, my 15 pt list is:
Kromac the Winter Hunter (*4)
-Gorax (4)
-Feral Warpwolf (9)
Wolf Riders x3 (6)

In the tundra, we found...
Forward Kommander Sorcha (*6)
-Destroyer (9)
-Juggernaut (7)
-War Dog (1)
Widowmakers (4)

I won the roll and had him deploy first. He deployed with the two jacks in front of Sorcha and her puppy. I put my Wolf Riders on the far left flank (which had a hill on it on his side of the table, expecting his Widowmakers to move into position there) while Kromac set up a bit back from a forest outside of my deployment zone with his beasts. The Widowmakers AD'd on the opposite side from the speedy wolves, scared of the puppies after their previous experiences.

He advanced to no real avail, trying to shoot at my Feral but finding his snipers to be out of range. Kromac went first and tossed up Warpath on himself, Inviolable Resolve on the Wolf Riders and finally Wild Aggression on the Warpwolf, finally advancing into the edge of the forest. I ran and light cav moved up the left flank with the Wolf Riders, turning to look at Sorcha. The beasts advanced and riled for not much else.

Sorcha got ballsy and actually charged the Wolf Riders. He's seen what they can do before if allowed to Assault and was try to cut them off. As I recall, one bit the Frostfang in the face but the other two survived. The Widowmakers tapped some damage onto the Warpwolf and not much else happened. On my turn, the Gorax failed a charge at the Widowmakers (SPD5 in Circle suuuuuuucks) while the Warpwolf warped for armour and moved to protect Kromac who had moved further up in the forest and tossed up Bestial, catching Sorcha. The Wolf Riders whiffed terribly and I passed the turn back to him.

The Juggernaut went after the Feral, failing to really hit at all. Sorcha saw an opening and went after Kromac herself (stupid War Dog). Sadly for him, he forgot to pop her feat and he wailed into Kromac, connecting and dealing 12 pts of damage. I spent my last fury to transfer it to the Gorax and then took a second swing for three points of damage, where I decided to Beast Out. Kromac took the turn back in beast form, letting his upkeeps expire. Before he got to do his thing though, I activated the Wolf Riders who came Assaulting in. The killing blow was a wolf, just like the last time the Wolf Riders managed to kill his caster.

Wolves biting Sorcha's ass are awesome!

So, the list worked basically as I had hoped, with the Wolf Riders going after the squishiest target within reach, namely the caster in this case. While the beasts and Kromac advanced more or less up the center. If Sorcha got within range of Kromac's advance + jump with jacks in the way, I was planning on going for the feat assassination.

Kromac felt a growl growing in his throat moments before he heard a rifle report from up ahead, from within the cover of the falling snow. At the same moment, despite the cold all around him, he felt an unnatural cold through the snowy veil. He knew this feeling. It belonged to one of the Northern witches and her pet constructs. Kromac fell into a hunting stance as he moved into the trees, his warbeasts ranging out to one side while he knew the sisters covered his left flank. But as soon as he heard the shrill warcry of the Khadoran warwitch Sorcha, he wondered what ill befell the sisters.

Sorcha came in screaming and swinging her polearm. Catching him off guard, the blow connected with his side. Kromac rolled with the blow even as he expended the last of his magic to force the Gorax to accept the wound in his stead. In the back of his mind, he felt the pain through his connection to the enraged beast as it laid about itself, tossing and clawing at the Khadorans before him. Kromac rose and let Dusk and Dawn drop down in his grip until he held them by the end of their hafts.

"You're going to have to do better than that, girl. That hammer seems a little big for you..." he snarled as he came rushing back in at her. The icy witch was twirling that blasted hammer around her fending off his half hearted axe swings while he listened and felt for any sign of his forces. The Warpwolf had been found by one of those infernal iron constructs, though it was struggling to catch the exceedingly nimble wolf. While his mind searched for the sisters he missed a parry and felt her hammer glance off his thigh, bringing his attention back to the fight. Drawing on the throbbing pain in his leg, Kromac let forth his bestial nature, spasming uncontrollably before being becoming the hulking, muzzled monstrosity he was.

As he drew in his breath to roar at the stunned officer, he heard the yelping hunting cries of the sisters, who appeared miraculously from the whiteout, a javelin landing in the Khadoran's back while a wolf savaged her leg before throwing her away from Kromac. No sooner did her battered form land than her warjack scooped her up in its open hand and a deep tha-whump sound was heard, before a portion of the ground exploded. Another beat later and another shell fell. The wolf had wounded her badly so Kromac withdrew. He would track the witch down and kill her another day when that blasted cannon could be dealt with.

Before long, Kromac was tracking the Khadorans while one sister lay slung over her mount, wounded but still alive, for now. An ambush would hopefully let him finish the ice witch before she could recover to put up a fight. And if he could slay her quickly, her machines would be lost without direction. He had killed her kind before. And tomorrow he would add another mark to his axe...

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