Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Gamer's Journal Update

Quick update as to where I am:

My phone pisses me off. Really, it does. It is so proprietary and counter-intuitive I cannot get pictures off of it for some reason. Piece of crap. Ugh.

The relevance to this is that if I don't figure this out, I don't put up my terrible little camera phone pics of the models at the start. Big deal. I'm really not terribly concerned with my WIP shots. I should have access to my real camera (provided I can find the charger for it, and if I can't I'm ordering a new one) on Monday to post some actual results. And if I can't find mine, I'm going to snag my sister's camera to get some Monday shots while I wait for my new charger to arrive.

However, due to the fact I am moving (and homeless for a day!) this week, my first week is likely to be...uneventful. I green stuff'd my Wolf Riders and Kromac today to fill in some gaps (and cover the "collar" effect of the Wolf Riders), so I got a little bit done. Next week though, I have no work. No school. Nothing but time and family distractions, so I'm gonna' force myself to get a LOT more work done. This is likely to include playing a little catchup due to the whole move and busy work schedule this weekend.

So expect some actual shots next week. To recap, these are my current expected lists for the 15 and 25 pt levels, the first two here.

Kromac the Winter Hunter (*4)
-Gorax (4)
-Feral Warpwolf (9)
Wolf Riders x3 (6)

Kromac the Winter Hunter (*4)
-Gorax (4)
-Feral Warpwolf (9)
Wolf Riders x3 (6)
Bloodweavers (6)
Lord of the Feast (4)

Yeah, the 25 pt list changed a little. This was actually my initial list when brainstorming, but I had gone to the Gnarlhorn/Gobber Crew addition instead for model count. I changed this for a few reasons. First, I want to try to add a unit each week. I am terrible about getting around to painting units because there always seem to be so damn many of them! Second, I can't get my hands on some Swamp Gobbers at the moment and without them the list only comes to 23/25, which is below the Within-One-Point requirement for tournament play (which I do play by). So the Gnarlhorn got pushed back to week 3 along with a set of Shifting Stones I can toss in then (see? week 3 has a unit!).

So, I'm hoping to get to play these lists a bit tomorrow. I'll be away from my playgroup for a week so I want to try to get a 25 pt game in this week. If we end up with an uneven number of players (3 people is not uncommon for us), I might end up throwing down with a pair of 35 pt Circle lists against two others for an unlikely allies type game tomorrow night. If I do, my plan is to take my 35 pt Kromac list and add a 35 pt Morvahna infantry list to it (Morvahna and Kromac were fluffy as I recall and I wanna' get my Reeves on the table for some reason).

Expect battle reports tomorrow night. Until then, I leave you with the current Week 1 thread on the Privateer Forums for the Gamer's Journal Online Edition.

The winter snow betrays you...

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