Wednesday, March 17, 2010

And the Deathjack claims it's first MK2 warcaster head...

I got my first MK2 game in tonight. Huzzah!

I changed up the list sort of last minute since I couldn't find my Nightwretches (where the hell are they?) I dropped the Necrotech and took a Defiler instead.

So my list was:
Satyxis Raiders (10x w/ Sea Witch UA)
Pistol Wraith

I faced off against:
Winterguard Infantry (6x)
Winterguard Mortar Team
Man-o-War Demolition Corp (3x)

He won the die roll and decided to take first. From my side of the table, I was looking at the Destroyer with Manowars on the left flank, the Marauder with Winterguard on the right flank and the rest, including Sorcha, setting up in the middle. I deployed heavy to the right flank, intending to just not deal with that hated bombard on the Destroyer. And I never really did. He Avande Deployed (AD'd from now on) the Widowmakers on my right flank just behind a forest. I AD'd the Deathjack (DJ from here on out) directly behind the big rock spire in the middle of the board with the Satyxis doing the same on the far right.

Turn 1: He moved the Widowmakers up into the woods and shot at the Satyxis. Let me just say right now the Satyxis seem great on their own. Toss in that UA and they are approaching broken. Holy hell. DEF 16 vs ranged and immune to blasts? I actually had to keep checking that latter part to make sure I was right. Woah. I'm not sure if they are immune to a direct hit as well, but I assume they suffer that and are simply immune to the blast damage. Luckily, he never managed to hit them directly with his mortar. Of course, he missed the Satyxis. Otherwise, he largely moved up, tossed up Fog of War and passed the turn.

In return, I started by running the Satyxis up to where they stood outside the forest but with the Widowmakers within the reach of my Lacerators. The rest of my army largely moved up, I tossed up Death War on the Defiler and Admonition on...I don't remember. It didn't really matter. Admonition DID matter later, but I'll get to that.

Turn 2: He upkept Fog and moved into his turn after some allocation. His Widowmakers tried to flee. Somehow, one of them made it out alive, passed his command check and lived in the back. He didn't manage to do much else, trying to drop a mortar shell into the Satyxis and doing nothing. Notably, the Juggernaut had moved onto the open part of the hill in the center of the table (it was a flat hill with an impassable rock spire taking up half of it).

When it came around to me, I allocated plenty of focus to the Deathjack to do his thing, took a damage point to upkeep Death Ward on the Defiler and tossed a couple to the Leviathan, who squandered them, so we won't talk about him anymore this turn. The Satyxis went running through the woods to again harass the Widowmaker. I got Backlash up on the Juggernaut, used the Skarlock to put Admonition on the Deathjack and then charged in with said Deathjack. He wrecked it in one turn and fed back some damage to Sorcha. The Pistol Wraith tried to Death Chill the Marauder (and somehow failed to hit on his first attack...on a Khadoran With the Deathjack basically being the triumphant king of the hill, I passed the turn, waiting for a challenger.

Turn 3: He accidentally let Fog of War expire this turn but allocated focus to the Marauder. The Widowmaker made a break for it again and got cut down, but this was perfect for him. He cast Boundless Charge on the Marauder, popped Sorcha's feat, freezing the Deathjack, my Satyxis and the Wraith. His Winterguard moved poorly and only half got to shoot at the Satyxis, but without my DEF 16, he scored three hits and three kills handily. The Marauder then made his move, charging in on the Deathjack, and began hammering in. He was hitting automatically but his damage was all over the place. He missed knocking out a single system completely while still taking out about half the Deathjack's boxes. Of course, the DJ got a tad pissed and got his revenge the next turn. And for the record, I hate Sorcha's feat. It shut down my Admonition defense. Luckily, that wasn't happening again.

So, things roll around for me, the DJ has taken a fair bit of punishment, needs to act this turn and I need to protect him. I allocate him full up, give the Leviathan a few so he can get in on the act, have the DJ spend a focus to shake off the Stationary and then proceed with the turn. The Skarlock successfully got Backlash onto the Marauder and then the Leviathan moved in. He managed to get some damage on before the Deathjack went to town and got another warjack wreck to his credit, dropping Sorcha to about half her health by the time it was done. I moved up with Skarre, popped her feat, cut herself for five and protected the Deathjack, Leviathan, Defiler, Pistol Wraith and Skarre herself.

Turn 4: Facing down a line of most of my army that was untargetable, Sorcha ran off. Not much really happened except some maneuvering. Well, he did charge the Raiders with his Winterguard, playing Imperial Guard style to keep them locked up. Nothing came of it and he moved on.

During my turn, the DJ got a full load like every other turn. The Satyxis moved up and wiped out the Winterguard, making for their last play of the game. The Deathjack advanced over the wreck markers in front of him and hurled Black Spot at Sorcha (given the amount of heavy Khadoran armour I faced off against, this was oddly the first time I cast this all-star spell). It came up one short so I boosted it after the roll. Oh, how I LURVE Seas of Fate. Got it to stick now and then cast Perdition, hoping to move up onto Sorcha and hopefully luck out and pound her in with his initial attacks, which were still ready. Sadly, it missed and I went on. The Defiler moved up, intending to act simply as a node if needed and took a potshot spray across the clustered Manowars and Mortar Team. Took half the health from one Manowar, pinged the second and killed one member of the mortar team. I don't remember these guys being this awesome in MK1 so this improvement to him made me VERY happy. The Pistol Wraith stood his ground and fired into the Manowars. He finished the first one, gaining a token that he in turn used to boost his damage roll on the second Manowar (the other wounded one) which let me kill that off too. The Skarlock dropped Admonition back on the Deathjack and everything was setup. All of this proved very important when Skarre moved up, used her last focus to cast Perdition, killed the last member of the Mortar crew (which was also the closest enemy model to the Deathjack), and let Perdition trigger the Deathjack directly into Sorcha herself.

Turn 5:
He tries to charge the Deathjack in the back with the last Manowar, which triggers Admonition and lets him scuttle around Sorcha, out of the Manowar's reach and trying to hide behind her to keep the Destroyer to from coming after me. Sorcha swings in effectively at the jack while moving to the side to let the now Boundless Charge Destroyer to still reach the Deathjack. The poor Khadoran jack whiffs and the Deathjack promptly smears Sorcha in a single swing the next turn, sealing the game and capturing his first caster kill in MK2.

So, that was a long ass play by play and I really won't do that for all games (probably just really notable ones). But damn was that fun! I was so happy to be back chucking dice. I had the upper hand from the start of the game because this is someone fairly new to the game who lacks much for model choice (the Widowmakers were proxied) in addition to his lack of experience. We are gonna' play again next week and he is proxying things to try them out to see what he wants to buy next. This is simply going to be a matter of time in terms of learning and expanding. I can't wait 'til this becomes a more competitive game for the people here.

Under MK2 though:
eSkarre: Just as sickening as in MK1. Oh, I love her. She lost the ability to suck Focus back off her jacks and while I wished I could have done that a couple times that night, meh. She is still my lady.
Deathjack: Still kind of unfair. He lost Necrovent, but he also lost Unbound, which is MORE than beneficial to the Cryx player IMO. He personally tallied Sorcha herself as well as TWO Khadoran jacks (with minimal help from the Leviathan).
Leviathan: Ok, honestly, he is here to shoot at infantry that have Black Spot on them. This made him pretty lack luster. I'd honestly probably have preferred to have a Slayer and the points freed up.
Defiler: Went from utterly useless to pretty damn awesome I think. Expensive at 5 pts, but I will definitely take him in future games if I can eek out that extra pt.
Skarlock: Still a staple.
Satyxis: Oh. My. God. They didn't get to do what I REALLY wanted (Power Swell charge a jack with Backlash on it and kill the opposing warcaster without ever getting close to her) but he ran scared of them. And at range against regular ranged attacks, hitting them seemed near impossible. I am going to have a lot of fun with these. I need to make a Satyxis army when the Raider Captain, Bloodweavers and Blood Hag all come out.
Pistol Wraith: A tad overcosted I think. I don't think I'll be using them much in the future except for MAYBE big games with eSkarre or Denny (both versions).

No update on the projects for now, so meh. I got to throw dice! That's all that counts! Oh, and I got God of War 3, so I'll be posting something about that later on. Probably once I beat it, which could honestly take a bit. I'm playing on Titan (hard) mode and it is fairly punishing actually. First boss was able to knock 1/3 of my health off each time he hit. But I still love it.

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