Monday, March 15, 2010

This is going to become a bad habit

So, it's 2:14am my time when I am starting this and I have class in...7:45. Not terrible, but I'm one of those slow to wake up sort. And I'm just not tired. Therefore, I'm writing this to gather my thoughts!

This is gonna' be a pretty Warmachine focused post since that has been consuming my thoughts the last two days or so. Wednesday I'm finally getting my first MK2 game in. Woo! 35 pts of Cryx lead by epic Skarre against some Khador, another person's first MK2 game as far as I know too. Should be a fun learning experience for us both. So, here is my currently intended list unless my mail order shows up. In that order are a Warwitch Siren (saw her card online. 2 pts? Really? How did that get through?) and a Necrosurgeon, who apparently DOESN'T suck now. Hell, looking at his rules, she looks pretty nifty. Much better than the useless weight it used to be. Makes me happy since the Necrosurgeon herself with that big mechanical arm was always pretty awesome looking. Oh, this order also has a Cygnar Mk2 deck and their Forces book. I kind of inherited a Cygnar army from a friend last week. Might as well run with it!

-Skarlock Thrall
Satyxis Raiders (10x w/ Sea Witch UA)
Pistol Wraith


Since I had first bought and painted the original Skarre (that model is also hideous, so happy they made a new one), she's been my special lady. Skarre is simply vicious, in both her incarnations. Prime version can feat with a bunch of focus off a Ritual Sacrifice and just wade into the enemy. People lived in fear of the Skarre Bomb in MK1, but she was just as potent without that really if you let me get the charge off. Her epic form becomes nearly invulnerable on her feat turn, once again letting her just come wading in to dispense a little Cryxian justice. And that is purely her personal combat capability. Toss in some amazingly powerful feats and a versatile spell list and you have what I consider some of the best casters Cryx has to offer.

Man, I am looking forward to getting back on the tabletop with my favourite lady. I've heard she has held up well too in MK2.

Oh yeah, I'm supposed to be painting. Sadly, I was out for a good portion of the last week back home visiting the family for spring break. Yeah, my spring break may be lame (and I had a flat tire), but it was more or less relaxing getting to go home. Missed my family but also really missed my pets, two cats and two dogs. Ok, those will come up as a subject again.

But anyway, the Cygnar are assembled and primed (via GW Foundation paints). I finally know the scheme I wanna' go with, but I need to work out a good ivory/khaki colour for the main armour plating. Similarly, I think I've almost got a scheme for my Cryx figured out, partially inspired by the way I have seen some do Cygnar (with certain colours which are the "faction" colours ending up being relegated more to details with another primary armour colour). Yeah yeah yeah, I have a smattering of painted Cryx, but for the non Thralls, there is no unified scheme. Mostly a bunch of different experiments. The Mechanithralls and Bile Thralls though are pretty ordinary undead flesh so they fit no matter what scheme the more unified warcasters and such end up with.

But you may recall my wish to have two battle boxes complete to apply for being a Press Ganger (I did mention that, right?). So, I'll close out once again with my current painting progress. I'm cheating here because some of the Cryx models are painted already. >.>

-Alviaran, the Meddling Mage

Current Projects
Cygnar Battlebox
0/4 Painted

Cryx Battlebox
Deneghra = Primed
Slayer = Primed/base colours down
Defiler = finished
Deathripper A = Primed/base colours down
Deathripper B = Bare metal/slight conversion finished

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