Sunday, March 28, 2010

Oh yeah, I have this thing here. DJ still rules.

Wow. I forgot to put something up last week. Yay!

Ok, got in a pair of games last week, both with the same guy against the same list. I switched up my list after the first game. Working from memory on these things:

Trencher Infantry (x6)
Trencher Commandos (x6)
Maxwell Finn

Yes, that is a Tier 4 Gravediggers list at 35 pts. FML.

Me first game:
Mechanithralls (x10)
Bane Thralls (x10)
Bane Lord Tartarus

Yeah, good ol' melee oriented pSkarre list up against Gravediggers. Yup. Going to end well. And actually, it did. And it gave me one of my favourite plays ever.

I luckily outraced him to the caster kill before he could pop her feat (more on that later). Tartarus got to beat the hell out of terrified Commandos (really, they rolled an 11 on a command check once we realized he was in melee with them and was a terrifying entity) and add on more Thralls (I MIGHT need to get more of them just to be fodder for Death Toll...). He Assaulted the Infantry into my Mechanithralls with the Deathjack behind them. Arc'd Blood Rains already had Finn sitting at one pt left after Corrosion ticked so he was making a suicide charge for glory! And horrible, soul-devouring death. Can't forget that.

So, Skarre decides to finally step out from her hiding place to get my entire army into range and pops her feat, cutting herself for five. She then tossed up Dark Guidance. The Assassination run is on. And that is when I became exceedingly happy.

A Deathripper. Actually, my only painted Deathripper out of the far too many I own. He slams the Cyclone, full force, full distance, with a STR of 12 straight across eHaley, taking off half her health and knocking her down. Ha! TAKE THAT YOU TEMPORAL WHORE! (Can you tell I'm not a fan of either version of Haley?) The Deathjack decides he wants to devour her soul too, so he clears out the way for himself with some spell casting, then goes charging in on the Defender next to Haley, smashes it (for some ridiculous amount of damage that I cannot recall), then reaches over with his next swing and splatters Haley for 18. Seriously, more than her starting health with a single swing.

I chalk the head up for the Deathjack. That's two casters in MK2 he has personally gotten the killing blow on. I actually plan on keeping track of his kills on the back of his base with faction coloured tick marks. I'm still debating on whether I want to do one tick for each unique caster he's killed or just for every caster killed ever, even if they are repeats. But anyway, while I give him the kill itself, my opponent contends the Deathripper is the real killer. Ok, the little guy does get points and needs some special love. He's the #1 Deathripper now.

We decide to roll up for another quick game so I swap lists, specifically to a pDenny list I had prepared that also used Bane Thralls so I had less to do in terms of swapping to the Bane Knights I had in the pGaspy list I also brought.

This time I have roughly:
Bane Thralls (x10)
Bane Lord Tartarus
Warwitch Siren

I believe he had a comment of something like "Holy arc nodes..."

This game got mired down into cat and mouse pretty quick as we both speed played. Stealth on the Bane Thralls kept tripping him up, saving me repeatedly. (Also constantly incurring evil cackling on my part...what can I say, I feel I belong with Cryx) He popped his feat a bit earlier this time though which tripped me up bad. For the record, eHaley's feat boils down to this:

-All affected enemy (read: my) models (in her massive 8 FOC ctrl) forfeit either their movement or action. Ouch. Especially when running a melee heavy army that hasn't reached combat yet.
-On my next turn he gets to tell me which order I activate in. Dammit.

He popped it at pretty much the perfect time since my army was heavily affected by not getting their attacks and still needing to even reach melee so most of my army just kind of moved up. I did however manage to land Crippling Grasp on Haley and then popped Denny's feat as a defensive measure to keep him tied down for a turn. It works to let me survive and has Haley reduced to a crawl as she runs away. The Cyclone though stepped up to play bodyguard and actually hurt the Deathjack fairly bad, knocking off an arm (and a crucial FOC from the Skull of Hate).

Given that the next turn is the last thanks to the shop closing up, I decide to screw the methodical approach of picking apart his army and decide to go for the assassination. It fails, though I did hurt her pretty bad (if the DJ still had that extra focus from his second arm I think I would have been able to manage a kill since then it meant either meant a fourth Venom cast or enough for a Scourge before double Venom to make sure she bites it). However, we call it a draw and pack up.

So, closing thoughts:
Tartarus is a goddamned beast. No, really. This guy does not fuck around. He wrecks house, is resilient for a solo and is SPEEDY. He zips up the field and is just fine RUNNING into combat to make an opponent think twice about running. If even a single Bane Thrall can manage to reach within 3" of Tartarus, then fleeing and giving me the free strikes is a terrible option. Clumping in to get Thresher'd is just as bad. And, well, if you can't kill him before he goes nuts next turn, there just aren't any attractive options. Tartarus says hello with a very big axe and a slightly murderous disposition.

Necrosurgeon didn't do much but I expect I will get better use of her healing and McThrall making abilities in games that don't end so quickly when the feat goes live for Skarre.

The Siren didn't do much, but that's thanks to my opponent redeploying so he didn't have to play with her and the Deathjack running a tag team on him gathering souls for even more unholy devastation.

The Bane Thralls impressed me. In MK1, I just always reached for my Knights instead (reach, Ghostly, their free attacks and I like the models better). But the Thralls are major contenders now I think. And man, I cannot wait to get that UA next month...

Deathripper needs a name. Now. He is my friggin' hero. The DJ may have been able to do it all on his own without the little guy, but the little guy was an isnurance policy that made sure the DJ could finish the job. Also, painted models do perform better. More proof!

This week I'm hoping we can throwdown in a three way with my Cygnar and Khador opponents (from here on called J and T respectively). I'm trying to decide between some Coven or pGaspy action. I'm sure I'll make a decision by Wednesday. And that's good since the following week brings us our first week of Nightfall. Of course, since I am still getting re acclimated to my Cryx and Nightfall has the bastards invading my home turf, I am bringing the Cryx to the party. Though while I have been trying to explore the different casters and how they act in MK2, for the League I am not straying far out of my comfort zone. I'm playing good ol' Cryx. That is, quick and dirty.

Though, I think I'll need to change things up since J has at least found me on the Privateer forums (where he voiced his contention over the Deathjack's latest prize to me via PM) where I also have a link to this blog for my thoughts. I don't know if he will read any of this, but I can't trust a dirty Cygnaran (even if he has Cryx too). Besides, I don't really wanna' be a one trick pony. More of a two trick pony. Their names being Deathjack and Skarlock. Rawr.

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